Lời tựa: Trân trọng giới thiệu bản dịch Anh ngữ được phiên dịch từ nguyên bản Đức ngữ của tác giả Thái A. Bài viết hiện đã được phiên dịch ra 3 thứ tiếng:
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Thay mặt nhóm điều hànhTrân trọngModerator
(Part 1)
Seattle, August. 2012
Thái A
1. According to the Geneva Convention of 20.07.1954, regarding the division of Vietnam, people were officially allowed for a short period of time to choose in which part of the country they wanted to live and move accordingly to the northern or southern part. This agreement goes back to Ho Chi Minh acting on behalf of Moscow and Beijing and the French party. After their military defeat at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu they were aiming for an honorable retreat from Vietnam. All further existing political forces inside the country at the time were in fact against its division. As a result, there were massive flows of people from the north to the south. With the help of foreign aid organizations and U.S. navy ships within this period, more than 1 million North Vietnamese escaped from the communist regime and settled in the southern republic. Most of the Vietnamese people had sided against the communist north.

2. The communist government, secretly formed by Ho Chi Minh and his communist party comrades in 1946, was accompanied by brutal violence and fraud, and was not accepted by the North Vietnamese population. Thereupon, Ho and his KP made use of brute force and tricks to stop the crowd flowing in the direction of freedom, from north to south. Two years later in 1956, the Geneva Convention stipulated there should be a general referendum regarding a reunion of the two Vietnamese nations. The process was to be a democratic electoral one and under the supervision of the UN. Even many years later, after the 300 day deadline of the resettlement phase of the Geneva Convention had expired, North Vietnamese people still fled to the south. With each attempt to escape over the Ben Hai River, the provisional boundary separating north from South, the communist border guards enforced the border with poisoned arrows and live ammunition. The conditions were similar to those at the former East-West frontier in Germany and the present-day border area between North and South Korea, but it surpasses all in dimensions of cruelty. The Geneva Convention was essentially shredded and spurned by Ho Chi Minh.
3. In order to gain insight into the situation after the Geneva Convention, the official "Declaration of the Government of the Republic of South Vietnam from 26 April 1958 on the issue of reunification“ is extremely revealing. This document was published on 26 April 1958 by the Embassy of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) in Bonn. The original document can be found in the Central State Archive Stuttgart, Baden Württemberg, under the registration code: "J 152 D Vietnam No.1".
4. In the course of these streams of refugees, more than 3000 agents of the communist North Vietnamese cadre were smuggled into the south and joined the 6000 already there. They were to act as sleeper agents for the coming war against South Vietnam and to make preparations in the background. The number of these agents had been growing steadily in subsequent years.
5. However, according to the requirements from Moscow and Beijing, the South Vietnam campaign was just Ho Chi Minh's first step. The real aim of his planned invasion campaign was the whole of Indochina - Cambodia and Laos in addition to South Vietnam.
6. The cultural, economic and religious development in Northern Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh's regime equated a setback to the Middle Ages. North Vietnam developed to a wall-less prison like North Korea. This applies to the communist Vietnam until today. The term "communism", originally taken from Europe, was cleverly translated by Ho Chi Minh as "common wealth" into Vietnamese ("classlessness," "destitution", "propertylessness"), to make the northern population believe in communism as a "heavenly society", where "any assets don´t belong to anyone’s own no longer". In fact, the actions of the Communist Party were repeating the actions of Stalin and later reproducing the so-called Chinese "Cultural Revolution"; each one in reality was a war directed against the country´s own people. The "Democratic Republic of Vietnam" in the north was aligned with and supplied with the help of Moscow and Beijing for the war against the South (Republic of Vietnam). The cruelty of the communist regime has been uncovered and published by many Vietnamese and Western authors.
7. At this time in the northern part, all religious activities and movements were branded "counter-revolutionary" and suppressed with the entire force of communist propaganda, denigrated as "opium of the people" and "spying of the West" which was to be exterminated completely by the so-called “proletarian violence". The "Communist state", as imagined by Ho Chi Minh, was still in the development mindset of an Empire with a predominant proportion of total population still farmers. Accordingly with the Moscow and Beijing examples, a dedicated "Buddhist Church" and “Christian church" awere initiated, along with others. As a an "association", they were always subordinated as a so called "Fatherland Front"; a flagship of the Communist Party. Just as with the "Socialist and Democratic Party", they were heavily surveilled from the inside by communist agents, undermined, and finally quashed completely. The fact that the Vietnamese population predominantly practices Buddhism as their religion gave the communist regime to use the "Buddhism" as a a utilable tool for their own means. The so-called "UBCV" and the "Buddhist family", a sub-organization, also emerged at this time (the early 1960s). At that time, Hanoi’s invasion plan was running at full speed on all fronts. In preparation for the fight on a religious front, plenty of “Monks-agents” were trained at the North Vietnamese Buddhist" schools in order to cause as much disturbance and damage as possible in the name of Buddhism amongst the people of the South Vietnamese cities. Finally the UBCV, the "Buddhist family" and other sub-organizations were founded for propaganda related reasons such as "on behalf of the South Vietnamese population" and these are used to this day as an instrument for the intentions of the Communist Party.

Thich Huyen Quang (born Le Dinh Nhan), pictured left, with Communist Party cadres in the monk’s robe at the assembly and announced UBCV in 1964 in Saigon.
8. Thich Tri Quang, the KP agent in a monk's robe, continuously staged riots when he mobilized parts of the South Vietnamese population against their own government, through demonstrations and "self-immolation" of monks, etc. (this will be discussed in detail later in the text.). The final result was ultimately a coup against the South Vietnamese government, in which the incumbent President Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother were killed.

Thich Tri Quang (born Pham Van Bong), a feared KP leader in monk's robe, is one of the main and most cold-blooded perpetrators of the so-called "Buddhist rebels" in support of the North-Vietnamese Communists in the invasion war against the Republic of South Vietnam. Pictured: Thich Tri Quang in 1963 as a cover of "Time" magazine, New York, USA 1963

KP cadre Thich Tri Quang in monk's robe and accomplices demonstrate in front of the government building of the Republic of South Vietnam in Saigon in 1963.

KP cadre Thich Tri Quang and the GDR communist Erich Wulf
9. Thich Tri Quang’s birth name was Pham Van Bong. Born in the village of Le Thuy, Quang Binh district in Central Vietnam. According to files in the French secret service ("Division 2"), he had been identified already in 1949 as a member of the Vietnamese KP. Admission to the party took place in the communist stronghold of Luong Mieu / Duong Hoa, by To Huu (geb. Ton That Lanh), a high official of the KP. Both the CIA and the Intelligence Service of the Republic of South Vietnam had knowledge of it.
To gain an overview of the Communist Party´s cadres in monk's robes, Thich Nhat Hanh & Co. and the UBCV following CIA document is very revealing:
Language: English, Document Pages: 13, Date: 04 May 1967Collection: Central Intelligence Agency Collection, Media Type:Document, (pdf.) Full Text: Full text is available for this item. Return to theVirtual Vietnam Archive and search for Item Number: 04,109,128,007th Go to the More Information section and change to the full-text view;. View Item:situation appraisal of Buddhism as a Political Force Current During Election Period Extending through September 1967, 04 May 1967, Folder 128, Box 09, Central Intelligence Agency Collection The Vietnam Center and Archive, Texas Tech University. Accessed 21 Aug. 2012th
10. In the background the coup had the approval of the American side by the CIA, which wanted to exploit this movement for their interests. At that time, the U.S. wanted to intervene in the war-related events directly and was not about providing indirect military assistance by supplying weapons and advisers. Consequently, a disempowerment of the South Vietnamese president met with their strategy. After a successful coup against the South Vietnamese, with the help of the CIA, KP agent Thich Tri Quang continued his strategy to direct the South Vietnamese Buddhist population in his spirit, this time by causing unrest against the new temporary "military government" and the Americans. However, his strategy was seen through. He was overthrown by the South Vietnamese and the CIA and put behind bars. He managed to get released relatively quickly through the help of accomplices within the circle of influence of the South Vietnamese government and from then on acted for the Communist side.

The fire execution of Thich Quang Duc, executed by Nguyen Cong Hoan, the KP-cadre (“Vietcong”), disguised in a monk's robe. He poured 10 liters of petrol on Thich Quang Duc's body, which had been prepped by narcotics into a living corpse, before he was set ablaze by Nguyen Cong Hoan with a Zippo lighter. The flame went up and the execution victim died on the spot. Today Nguyen Cong Hoan is hiding in one of the Thich Nhat Hanh - institutions in the United States.
11. Mentioned before was the self-immolation of the monk Thich Quang Duc, which was staged as a protest against the so-called "religious oppression": According to the Special Police chief of the former city of Hue (Republic of Vietnam), Major Lien Thanh, this burning was planned precisely in advance. At first he was persuaded (by the KP agents in monk's robes) to participate in a "significant action". Numerous "assistants" were ready to "take care" of him day and night. He was given an anesthetic, which had been passed off to him as a "drug against cardiac insufficiency". At the time Thich Quang Duc was dragged into the street by the Communist Party cadre in a monk’s robe Nguyen Cong Hoan, he was almost unconscious. Subsequently, he was doused with a minimum of 10 liters of petrol and set alight. KP "monks" and "nuns" together with "policemen" were informed and placed specifically at the scene in advance. Numerous foreign reporters were guided there at this time as well, so that appropriate images and reports could find their way to the international press, with the intention to manipulate the world opinion for the purpose of Communist interests. The execution victim died charred on the spot. Nguyen Cong Hoan today is still hiding (2012) in one of the Thich Nhat Hanh - institutions in the United States.
12. The Vietnamese CP and the UBCV, but also Thich Nhat Hanh, have denied to this day the staged, criminal act of murder. To cover up the crime, a myth was created that the world has been misled by to this day, according to which Thich Quang Duc was a "holy martyr".
13. To accumulate enough divisive feeling for the coup against the South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem, the communist "Third Army", also called the "National Liberation Front of the South", incited countless issues supported by direct wire drawing of the CIA, including the "Buddhist riot" with staged fire execution of monks on June 11, 1963. These riots resulted ultimately in the murder of the Republic of Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem on November 02, 1963. After this event the U.S. intervened directly with a leading role into the events of the Vietnam War.
14. Nearly all of those riots in South Vietnam were documented by the media of the Western alliance and the "communist bloc", but also by the government of the Republic of South Vietnam. There was, however, a specific screening and one-sided reporting in the West, influenced by the "control" on the part of the CIA, by the "communist” propaganda of the part of the "Eastern Bloc". Therefore the facts about the Vietnam War have been skewed and distorted seriously in the West. Ironically, the skew of the reporting on war related events only ran in favor of Ho Chi Minh's Legion army: the mercenaries of Beijing and Moscow.
15. For example, because of the staged propaganda of the Vietnamese CP, the UBVC, Thich Nhat Hanh & Co. about the "religious oppression by the government of the Republic of South Vietnam", a UN delegation was sent to South Vietnam to assess the situation. Despite the willingness of the government of the Republic of South Vietnam to cooperate, the delegation couldn’t find a single proof that South Vietnam, under Ngo Dinh Diem's government, had ever displayed acts of religious oppression. These accusations against the Republic of South Vietnam turned out to be a controlled and ugly defamation strategy of the Western media. The report of the UNO messenger about these facts, regarding what they had seen in South Vietnam in 1963, had prepared correspondence to the publication at the UN General Assembly. At the last minute however, the reporting was prevented by the leaders of "the upper floors" of the White House, so that the report could never have been published.
16. Even today in 2013, in all official media and reporting in the U.S., but also in the textbooks of universities, can still be found one-sided and false information about the Vietnam War in favor of the Chinese Communist Party and of course the Vietnamese CP. This despite the publication of the decoded file of the Pentagon about the Vietnam War, the "Black Book of Communism”, and numerous truthful publications by renowned Western authors.
The Council of Europe (PACE) also has dealt with the issue. Below is an excerpt from the Resolution 1481 of the Council of Europe in 2006:
The "Resolution on the need for international condemnation of crimes of totalitarian communist regimes" (English Resolution 1481 (2006) "Need for international condemnation of crimes of totalitarian communist regimes") was adopted on January 25, 2006 in Strasbourg of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Quote: "(The) ... Parliamentary Assembly today condemned massive violations of human rights by totalitarian communist regimes and expressed sympathy, understanding and recognition for the victims of these crimes. The assembly, the parliamentarians from 46 European countries combined, voiced in a resolution that these acts of violence included individual and collective assassinations and executions, as well as death in concentration camps, starvation, deportations, torture, slave labor and other forms of massive physical terror… " .
17. The assassination of President Ngo Dinh Diem, approved by the Pentagon, was more accurately, in fact, the killing instruction against the Republic of South Vietnam. Despite the war, the Republic of South Vietnam had reached a remarkable level of development of a free market economy during this period in the late 1960s under Ngo Dinh Diem's government and a functioning democratic constitution. Ngo Dinh Diem was the first president in the history of Vietnam which was constitutionally elected by the people. Ironically, both Henry Kissinger and Ho's "foreign minister" Le Duc Tho were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after the Paris Convention in 1973. However with the Paris Convention the "honorable withdrawal" of the U.S. Army from Vietnam was actually quasi enabled. In fact, the warlords of the White House gave a free hand to the communist North, leaving then the 17 million South Vietnamese to the hands of fate by the red imperialists. Incidentally, Le Duc Tho had waived his Nobel Prize. The killing machinery of his "Red imperialists" rolled on until April 30, 1975, when the Russian tanks of Ho's army overran the whole Republic of South Vietnam. Millions of South Vietnamese got to know with the bloodbath of "Red Imperialist type". The South Vietnamese feared for their lives and fled by all available means from Vietnam across the sea ("boat people") and through the forest. The Americans fled also, to the extent as in 1954, exceeding all expectations. The whole world was watched as this happened. Only 3 years later, the Russian tanks would enter Cambodia.

Ho's "foreign minister," Le Duc Tho and Henry Kissinger in Paris 1973
18. The UBCV was established in 1964 in order to pull the strings behind the covert communist actions. All other buddhist traditions were put together under the umbrella of the UBCV. The Buddhist movements were becoming aware of the intentions of these communist-infiltrated parts (“An Quang's Buddhist” group), and were disappointed and wanted to separate from them. Because the then supreme patriarch monk Thich Tam Chau did not want to take part in the riots, he was being compelled by force to give up his office and to go underground. The heads of other buddhist traditions also distanced themselves from the "fighting spirit" of this movement and disappeared gradually from the public light. The UBCV had thus completely step-by-step infiltrated communistically, but subsequently served as a figurehead for the representation of the Buddhist population.
19. One of the bloodiest crimes of the UBCV was the massacre to the civilian population of Hue in 1968, the so-called "Tet-feast Offensive 1968". The North Vietnamese Communist army held Hue for 26 days. During this time, at least 5327 people died and 1200 people went missing. The Communist sleepers in monk's robes, who were located in Hue, were called the "Third Army of the Communist Party" and pulled strings behind the scenes for these atrocities. The crimes took place during New Year's Eve. Officially a 3 days truce between the Northern and Southern Army was generally agreed for the holidays, but the shots fired on New Year's Eve were by the North Vietnamese Army. They fell upon through the Citadel in the old imperial city. Simultaneously in front of everybody the local communist sleepers unmasked themselves. The CP cadres went from house to house and shot randomly at anyone who was considered a supporter of the South Vietnamese side, labeled as "spy of the U.S. Americans." Thousands of civilians, women and children were tied up with telephone cords, taken and brought out of the city where a massacre was perpetrated on them with shovels and picks in order to "save bullets". The victims had to dig their own graves themselves. The front row of victims were shot and they took all the others alive to the graves. According to police reports by the Government of South Vietnam in 1968, 5365 people were killed in this way. Among them were four German professors. They were invited in the context of humanitarian aid by the University of Hue at that time. They too were killed by head shots, behind the Buddhist temple Tuong Van, which was used as a makeshift command center for the North Vietnamese Army (in monk's robes). Even those professors shoveled their own grave, which was supposed to serve as a "bunker". These are the names of the killed professors: Prof. Dr. Raimund Discher, Prof. Dr. Alois Alterköster, Prof. Dr. Hort Günther Krainick and his wife Elisabetha.

Two of many mass graves of the massacre were found in Hue in February 1968, in which 5327 of the Hue residents were violently murdered by the Vietcong.
Photo of LIFE Magazine in April 01, 1969
Everywhere in the city were set up so-called "people's courts" of the "Provisional Revolutionary Government". It took place on the street and the execution happened immediately afterward. The Communist cadres in monk’s robes as Thich Don Hau, Thich Tri Quang, Thich Thien Sieu, Thich Chanh Truc and Hoang Phu Ngoc Phan, Ngoc Tuong, Nguyen Dac Xuan, Le Van Hao (at that time students in civil) here were key leaders.

Thich Don Hau (born Diep Truong Thuan) - The CP agent in "Patriarch Monk’s Robe" - One of the feared co-perpetrators of the massacre of the "Tet Offensive" in Hue 1968, when 5327 civilians of Hue City were killed violently by CP agents in monk's robes and Viet Cong. Among them are three killed German doctors (university professors) who were sent for the medical care of Hue civilians on behalf of the Bonn government to the Clinical University in Hue. They were killed by headshots behind the Buddhist temple Tuong Van, one of the command centers of the Viet Cong:
Dr. Raimund Discher.
Dr. Hort Günther Krainick, and his wife Elisabetha.
Dr. Alois Alterköster.
Von H. C. Nonnemann

Pictured: From left to right and from top to bottom: Le Van Hao, Hoang Phu Ngoc Tuong, Hoang Phu Ngoc Phan (born Hoang Ngoc Hop), Nguyen Dac Xuan, the cold-blooded leaders of the execution squads of the Vietnamese CP during the Hue massacre in 1968.
Recent photos.

1 - Left: Arrival in Ulaanbaatar Airport, 1969.
CP - Thich Don Hau in monk's robe and CP cadre Ton That Duong Tiem beat the big drum for the UBCV and the hidden battle fronts of the Communist Party in the communist Mongolia.
2 - Right: Thich Don Hau chats with the CP General of "the People's Liberation Army" Vo Nguyen Giap in 1976.
20. After 26 days, Hue was recaptured by the U.S. and South Vietnamese armies it was a bloody ghost town. In Buddhist temples, in Christian churches in the suburbs, everywhere mass graves were found.
21. The background of the massacre: According to the ideas of the war leaders in Hanoi, there should be a final strike at Hue in order to capture it. The idea that the townspeople would move on from Hue to the side of the Army of Northern Vietnam had proved to be mistaken because the people feared for their lives and fled from the North - Communists. The communist cadres who had lived for years as sleepers in a monk’s robes in Hue now had unmasked. In revenge, and so that the faces of the communist cadres and their accomplices were never revealed, all Hue residents were executed. The task to take Hue at a single strike with the support of the "Third Army" had been unfulfilled. The unmasked cadres then fled into the jungle, in hidden territory, which was under communist control.
22. Hue was not the only city suffering such kind of massacres in 1968 by sleepers in monk's robes. Hue was only a prelude, of special importance, because it was on the border with North Vietnam. Hue was considered a metropolis and was to serve as the capital for the "People's Liberation Front of the South", an instrument of the communist North. This faction was used by the North to mislead the entire world public concerning the background of the Vietnam War and to conceal the participation of the communists in the campaign in the south. Therefore, the population of Hue was hit the hardest by this brutality and the number of murdered civilians went into the tens of thousands. However, during this time in all of the south vietnamese cities such massacres took place.
23. In 2010 a committee was founded in the U.S. by political groups in order to process and investigate the events surrounding the Hue Massacre :
Postal address of the Committee:
POBOX 6147th FULLERTON, CA. 92843, USA, Tel: 001 626 257 1057, Email:huemauthan1968@gmail.com
Address of the currently responsible Lawyers Community for the Committee:
International Legal Community: OCT - Olthuis KLEER TOWSHED. LLP, 229 College Street, 3 Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1R4; lawyer Ms N. Kate Kempton. Tel: 001 (416) 981-937. Email:kkempton@ktlaw.com
Chairman Lien Thanh is the former police chief of the city of Hue in the Republic of South Vietnam. They collected worldwide witness statements, casualty figures and data on participants, perpetrators, string pullers, commanders, etc., especially about the communist cadres in monk's robes, in order to sue them at the International Court in The Hague. Eyewitnesses in Vietnam and abroad, survivors of the massacres and surviving dependants of victims, such as the four German professors murdered in Hue, were asked by the committee to describe their experiences and write witness statements. Meanwhile, in addition to numerous other publications, two books and a website about the Hue - Massacre were published. The first book was called "Riot in the middle of the country" / "Bien Dong Mien Trung", published in 2010 by Lien Thanh, former special police chief of Hue. The second is called "Hue Massacre 1968 - the crime of the Vietnamese Communist Party" / "Tham sat Hue - Mau Than 1968 - Toi ac dang cong san Viet Nam" , published in 2012, by the same author. The books cite the communist cadres in monk’s robes by name, which committed back then the massacres under the guise of the UBCV in Hue and describe the circumstances of the crimes day by day.
24. CP cadres, monks like Thich Nhat Hanh, Thich Quang Do and the UBCV worldwide, including also Thich Nhu Dien in Germany and others are trembling at the work of the committee and the published books. The disguised leading cadres-agents in the U.S. and abroad control their accomplices, as the "Buddhist families" and try desperately to obstruct the work of the committee. They are proceeding with the most unscrupulous methods, such as murder threats, targeted killings by hit squads, etc. The most recent example happened in early August 2012 in the USA: the above-mentioned committee chairman barely escaped a targeted head shot from a distant (yet unknown) hideout. The U.S. safety authority is investigating this incident.
25. The UBCV was founded by the Communist Party in 1964 in South Vietnam. The strategy of the Communist Party to abuse religion and Buddhism as a protective shield goes back to Ho Chi Minh in the '40s. The strategy of the Communist Party was always to integrate communism so deeply into Buddhism that they would become untangleable. Therefore, communist cadres in monk's robes and also laymen, have been trained to distort, for example, Buddhist sutras. All kinds of "Buddhist groups" were established: from children's clubs, youth clubs, to "Buddhist family" to muster the Buddhists. The youths were trained similar to the military, in order to use them as "Buddhist" youths for military purposes. As part of this targeted collection/grouping for centralized control of the Buddhist population, the authentic Buddhist masters were separated from their students, isolated and finally eliminated by force. All monks and nuns were dispossessed, forced to give up their practice and were almost completely removed from the religious life so that eventually communist cadres in monk's robes resided almost exclusively in the pagodas. Only a few Buddhist masters and students were kept under house arrest. On the one hand, this should give an impression of religious repression in Vietnam. This meant that the cadre - agents of the CP - through their staged, apparent "fight" for "religious freedom fighters / peace activists" could attain the status of "dissident" abroad (e.g. Thich Nhat Hanh and Thich Quang Do). Secondly, the propaganda machine of the CP was working hard in order to spread the image of "religious freedom” existing in North Vietnam. The hollowed-out "Buddhist Church" (UBCV), which now followed the ideology of the Communist Party, though is not as of yet trustworthy enough to the Communist Party so that it came under a direct authority by the Communist Party through the so-called "Southern National - Liberation Front".

Children of the so-called "Buddhist family" were exploited by the UBCV and the "South-National Liberation Front" of the Communist Party as demonstrators for the roadblock to prevent the advance of the South Vietnamese Army. Vietcong's child soldiers in the service of "the South - National Liberation Front”
26. This UBCV acts completely according to the strategy of the North during the Vietnam - war. The massacre in Hue 1968 was one of their bloodiest deeds. Thich Don Hau (Born Diep Truong Thuan), the top "patriarch monk", had, together with the supreme commander of the communist North's Army (by the local CP mastermind Hoang Kim Loan), issued commands to nearly 200 communist cadres to remove and kill the residents of Hue on February 22, 1968. The number of casualties would amount eventually to over 5000. The victims were partly tied by the hands with telephone cables and led away into remote areas. Over 300 young people were forced to dig graves to bury the dead. They were then killed themselves, to erase every trace. Some members of the North Vietnamese Army has denied these allegations, claiming to have only killed in the midst of the battlefield. Nevertheless, CP's commands were executed.
27. Eyewitnesses of the massacre, who escaped the persecution of the CP execution squad are alive to report today with regards to their trauma. How they were still teenagers at the time, dragged along from the KP execution squad and forced to dig the graves for this mass murder. One survivor still suffers excruciating trauma from over forty years ago. He had to dig under threat of murder by a CP execution squad over the still alive and bound people in the grave, begging for their lives. However, soil mixed with tears, he poured shovelful after shovelful over his own countrymen. Grave after grave, one after the other the boy had to shovel until he and another could finally escape in the night. Above them, the blaze of gunfire from the CP execution squad swept. The two barely escaped. But none of the rest of the over 5327 people survived the vengeful massacre at the hands of the CP execution squad.
28. …
29. On the April 30, 1975, 500 UBCV "monks and nuns" and 7000 armed students of the so-called "Buddhist University of Van Hanh" went to egdes of Saigon to show the incoming North Vietnamese tanks the way to the main military bases of the South Vietnamese army. Immediately after the northern army entered the city, the communist cadres, equipped with machine guns, accompanied the North Vietnamese Army from house to house, to kill each "suspect" ("CIA" supporters or high official of the South Vietnamese government) during the night and to dump their bodies in the river. The same scenario took place in all cities of South Vietnam. Thereafter, these armed cadres and red armbands were found in every corner of the city to hunt hidden South Vietnamese soldiers in the city. The deaths numbered in the several thousands. The CP sleeper agents no longer required their masks, as they now appeared in North Vietnamese uniforms in high rank and became the first communist officials in southern Vietnam. The so-called "Buddhist University Van Hanh” was converted into a "registration office" for the South Vietnamese officials and soldiers, where communist cadres dressed in monk's robes. During their time as “sleepers” inside the community, they prepared a list of the persons who were to be neutralized. All soldiers and officials were put in so-called "re-education camps". In fact, these were death camps and lifelong torture-prisons.
Also these CP cadres in monk’s robes now are swinging the CP party flag in their hands and demonstratively celebrating the "Victory Holiday" of Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese CP in Saigon on 4/30/75.
30. In 1981, the self-proclaimed leader of the UBCV, Thich Huyen Quang (born Le Dinh Nhan) during the "General Assembly", formulated the following characteristic words: "The UBCV earned triply honorable merits for the victorious revolution of Vietnamese Communist Party". And: "We, the UBCV have established the Buddhist government of President Duong Van Minh, to hand these over to the Revolutionary Government [of the Communist Party, editor's note]…"
Nguyen Xuan Bao - Vietnamese CP agent in monk’s robe under the name of Thich Nhat Hanh, has been acting with fake "Anti-Vietnam War"(?) slogans in support of the Vietnamese Communists since 1960 until today.
31. On October 17, 1970 a so-called "Buddhist delegation" (consisting of Thich Nhat Hanh, Thich Thien Minh and other communist sympathizers) was sent to Tokyo to partake on the international conference "Religion and Peace". There they made known "5 claims". These were identical to the "5 claims" of the so-called "South-Liberation Front", initiated by the North Vietnamese regime. They in part demanded an end of the bombing of the North by the U.S. Army, the retreat of the alliance forces (U.S., South Korea, England, Australia, etc.). The delegation was faced with nagging questions from the International Congress about who they were representing, why the North Vietnamese army wouldn´t stop with its invasion southward and why they only asked the United States and the Alliance to retreat. They had no answer to give.
32. At this time Thich Don Hau and his wife Tuan Chi (born Dao Thi Xuan Yen) were supported by the Communist Party and secretly brought to North Vietnam to Ho Chi Minh. Afterwards Ho sent him to other socialist countries like the GDR, Hungary and Mongolia to make propaganda for the communist North.
33. Through this propaganda, a highly distorted image of the South Vietnamese government was put forth and it was accused of "corruption and weak leadership". Simultaneously, Ho Chi Minh and the North were praised with emphasis. Also, Thich Nhat Hanh and his wife and comrade Cao Ngoc Phuong, together with Vo Van Ai and Penelope Faulkner in France and the U.S., mobilized protesters with fake "anti-Vietnam War" slogans to draw the international public opinion for the purposes of the Communist government.
34. With direct warfare by communist cadres in monk's robes, South Vietnam was gradually brought into a kind of rebellion. Due to the democratic social order of the Republic of South Vietnam, the hidden communist cadres from the north acted legally in the South Vietnamese state. Each educational work, exposure or prevention of their activities towards a riot (in favor of the CP from the north) was immediately titled as "anti-religious activities" and utilized as a counter-strategy against further riots and demonstrations. All supporters were mobilized with fake slogans and demonstrations were called for on the streets. For their aims, the communists were using all means, from brainwashing through to murder threats, for influence. Through sleepers who were smuggled into the South Vietnamese army and the government, supporters existed across all ranks, which fought now on the side of the "monks" against the South Vietnamese government. The whole South Vietnamese governmental system, from the rural community up to government circles, was infiltrated by CP sleeper agents and had been remote-controlled step-by-step in this way.
35. At that time, Thich Tri Quang, Thich Don Hau and Thich Nhat Hanh, with his hollowed out UBCV, had become the most powerful political movement in South Vietnam. The Communist cadres in monk's robes had shown that they were capable of influencing the political and military strategy, both in support of the North Vietnamese warfare and to help the South Vietnamese government office holders to provide or withhold power, according to their own political interests.

36. The UBCV trained countless half to full military combatant troops to battalion sizes and provided them with full military equipment. By the fake Buddhist label and through advanced brainwashing by the communist propaganda machine, countless Buddhists from the South were willing to fight and to die as puppet fighters for the "liberation army" from the north. A "holy war for the preservation of Buddhism" was the image put forth by the brainwashing campaign from the north. They mobilized tens of thousands of people for demonstrations and strikes against the South Vietnamese government, put youths up to suicide assassinations and bombing attacks on American embassies, markets, cinemas, car burns, etc., all "in the name of Buddhism." They equipped the people with weapons for rioting in the streets and captured children and young people and forced them to fight as child soldiers.
37. The pagodas were used as arms depots for the North Vietnamese Army, there were hidden armories under the Buddha statues for the ammunition of the North Vietnamese communist army. Whole pagoda complexes were converted into temporary command centers and as temporary prisons where they held South Vietnamese officials or tortured them to death.
38. The riots of communist cadres in monk's robes only ended temporarily, as after many operations the South Vietnamese army fought back with the help of the U.S. American forces. Thich Tri Quang, who was one of the most feared leaders of the rebellious UBCV, was arrested as a result. Thich Tri Quang had previously escaped to the U.S. embassy in Saigon with the help of the CIA, in order to flee from the persecution by Special Forces of the Republic of South Vietnam. The communist sleeper agents who kept themselves well dug in the South Vietnamese government could take advantage of the democratic laws in South Vietnam so that their accomplices and communist cadres in monk's robes could be released. Even the last South Vietnamese "future President" Duong Van Minh, countless top generals of the South Vietnamese army and high-level officials of the South Vietnamese government were finally unmasked as sleeper, North Vietnamese communists during the course of the war.
39. The War against the South Vietnamese government and its allies, such as the United States, was a lost war because of how their strategies were undermined by actors in the White House. This was marked by two major events: The first was the overthrow of the first president of the Republic of South Vietnam and his eventual murder in 1963 by the CIA purchased generals and the Communist cadres in monk's robes. The second one was the back-door deal between Henry Kissinger, and Mao Te Dong and Chu An Lai in 1972. The United States wanted an honorable exit from the war and left Beijing and its allied North Vietnamese army a free hand to finally make an attempt at South Vietnam. Therefore, the North Vietnamese Army could march unimpeded on South Vietnam and turned the whole country, up until the present day, into a giant “death/re-education camp". The alliance forces and the world were watching closemouthed.
40. The undermining and utilization of the UBCV by the communist Vietnamese regime is thus one of the dirtiest and most perfidious practices in warfare strategies both in the history of Vietnam and the world. The Communist cadres in monk's robes are therefore one of the most dangerous facets of the communist Vietnamese army.
41. Thich Nhat Hanh and his accomplices abroad, but also the parts of the left-winged Western faction, have managed to distort world perception and opinion about the Vietnam War in the spirit of the North Vietnamese Communists. They have also managed to cover up the crimes of the Vietnamese communists abroad for the time being. The entire Communist and Western left-winged propaganda machines have twisted the facts to the point of spreading the view that the war was instigated by the South Vietnamese side, along with American and Western European allies.
42. With support from the intelligence circles of the communist Eastern bloc, which had already established itself outside Eastern Europe in Western countries, Thich Nhat Hanh, Vo Van Ai and other communist cadres mobilized an "anti-Vietnam War" campaign. In reality, the North Vietnamese CP had trampled on the Geneva Conventions of 1954 and the Paris Agreement of 1973 and started a southward war of invasion.
43. In the background of one of the most important events of the last phase of the Vietnam War was the back door deal by U.S. State Secretary Kissinger with Beijing and the Vietcong. In which, it was agreed that the U.S. would pull back as soon as possible from the war. Strategically, South Vietnam would be sold to the hands of the Chinese. For that purpose, reporting of the war by U.S. media ran fully in order to do everything possible to distort the events of war in such a way that the war in South Vietnam appeared "hopeless" and a pull out was the only reasonable escape. Without a backing from Moscow, Beijing and the White House, the invasive war of the North Vietnamese CP towards Republic of Vietnam wouldn’t have been possible.
The "back door deal" between Henry A. Kissinger, Nixon and Mao's chancellor Chou On Lai in Beijing on June,20 1972. The content of the conversation was recorded and had been published already.
44. And so, the previously sworn "alliance against communism" had been destroyed. This way, the USA stabbed the Republic of South Vietnam in the back and put it up for execution by the communists. Millions of Vietnamese people feared for their lives and tried through all means to get out of the country. The bloody revenge of the Stalinist North Vietnamese army against the Republic of South Vietnam surpassed all expectations in its brutality.
45. Ho Chi Minh and his allied accomplices then tried to seize power through a criminal act in 1946. This puppet government of the Russian Communists showed his true face as an instrument of power of the Russian CP. Up until present day, the puppets of the Chinese Maoists were easy to spot. For the mission from Moscow and Beijing to transform the whole East Asian region red, they decided to invade Cambodia. That is the reason for the Vietnamese-Chinese "border conflict" in 1979. In fact, it is a "punitive lection" of the Chinese Red Army.
46. These riots and atrocities were carried out by the UBCV, aided directly by the CIA and communist party. One of these two executed the crimes and the other distorted the perception of the Western world public. These criminal acts were meant as a means of communist propaganda - "The monk has burned himself as a sign against the religious oppression of the South Vietnamese government " - to direct the mood of the American side to be against the Vietnam War. Parallel to this Thich Nhat Hanh, a communist cadre in the monk’s robe, was active abroad. He mobilized student-led, anti-Vietnam War street protests and movements. As a result of the distorted reporting of the war by the CIA that was in favor of the communist CP, the public opinion about the Vietnam War in the Western world was specifically manipulated. Thus, the invasionary war by the North Vietnamese Army was proclaimed as a "People’s Liberation War". The victory of the communist side was only possible in the end because of these treacherous actions by the U.S.A. and inaction on the part of the Western alliance.
47. The members of the so-called Vietnamese Communist Party have never been communists in the true sense of the word. They had nothing to do with the terms "left-winged" or "communist" as they were used in Western Europe. In fact, they are a band of power-hungry, criminal and traitorous people. From their formation in 1930 up until today, this band has been the embodyment of Ho Chi Minh and has accumulated numerous crimes against humanity. So numerous in fact, that should they, one day soon or in the near future, be torn down by the Vietnamese people and completely disbanded, the deep wounds they have inflicted would still be hard for the Vietnamese people to overcome many generations later. This Vietnamese phrase comes to mind: "Vietnam's bamboo is not numerous enough in order to be able to enumerate the crimes of the Vietnamese CP. Likewise, the water of the Vietnamese East Sea is not enough to wash away the bloody stink of the CP crimes, but the water would be poisoned".
48. This Vietnamese CP band has creeped to the point of converting Vietnam into a hollowed-out, unofficially dependent Chinese province; something that Mao's imperial predecessors had not managed for millennia. His successors still dream with unsatisfied hunger of annexing the whole of Vietnam. Since Ho Chi Minh's pleading cry for help to Beijing for Chinese help in his invasive war against the Republic of South Vietnam, there has been Chinese infiltration across all ranks of the Vietnamese CP. Today they are in the majority across the political infrastructure of Vietnam. So much so that before any major decisions can be made by the party congress of the Vietnamese CP, its leaders have to travel to Beijing to pick up "recommended actions" from the "Sonnies of Heaven".
49. The Vietnamese CP has mercilessly robbed the Vietnamese country and people and driven it into poverty and the abyss of backwardness. Today's Vietnam resides near the bottom of many charts regarding nameable values. All freedoms and fundamental rights of the Vietnamese people were forcibly snatched from them by the CP and trampled upon. The constitution and all its legislation only exist to secure the untouchable right of the Communist Party to rule over the people. The entire puppet-like apparatus of state and the Parliament are nothing more than a figurehead to appease the outside world. For the Vietnamese people themselves, these are regarded as extremely poisonous deadly traps.
50. To become a CP member, one must learn Ho Chi Minh's "thoughts and actions" by heart and be tested on them before being able to join the CP. There are oaths that have to be followed faithfully for life. This CP Codex, the "principles of letting go" is as follows: "Without family, without father land, without religion and without nation." They must stop at nothing, because the CP sometimes has to do everything necessary and betray everything (family, father land, religion and nation) because "only the rights of the CP alone stand above all". Furthermore, the following saying of Ho's is considered as the "CP-heart formula" that all Communist Party members must follow without exception. It was "versified" by To Huu, a CP official in the following way. Quote:
"Kill! Continue to Kill! Let your hands not free from killing! ...
Hail Mao, the leader! Hail Stalin! Eternal honor to our immortals! "
Even the "thoughts and actions" of all "communist Ur-masters" is to be memorized, including one of Lenin's slogans: "Whoever is unable to betray, is not a communist". In other words: "Whoever is not a betrayer, is not a communist!"
51. For Ho Chi Minh and his followers, their "fatherland" from the beginning is not Vietnam but the USSR (the now already dissolved ghost) and China. Their "family" is the CP community; their religion is the utopia of communism. However, Ho and his party knew from the start that “communist” is just a label; a means to an end. Nevertheless they had to continue to hold up this label in order to trick the people who were brainwashed collectively to a large extent.
52. After the collapse of the Eastern bloc, triggered by the breakup of the USSR, the Vietnamese Communist Party was like a snake without a head. To ensure the power of the party, they were willing to act as a kind of doorman for the Chinese CP.
53. Faithful followers have to strictly follow the strategy of Ho Chi Minh, the "master of insider relationships", regarding relations between Moscow and Beijing to this day: After the death of the "Russian stepfather", the Communsits had only the "Chinese step-mother" to turn to. Of course, any economic potential in the West, as well as the United States, "deadly enemy", is of interest to them. The main thing is that the CP is supported and tolerated within Vietnam. Along the lines of the communist CP from Moscow, the Vietnamese CP now tries to exist underground.

Impressive and fatal is the handshake between the two CP Comrades Nguyen Minh Triet and Thich Nhat Hanh in 2005 in Hanoi, after contents of the deal with the "opium of the people" were redefined and in the bag.
54. Thich Nhat Hanh and the Vietnamese Communist Party pursue the same strategy today. The UBCV and Thich Nhat Hanh's facilities in Vietnam and abroad are centrally controlled by the Communist Party. With the ignorance and the image as a "peace activist" from the Vietnam War, Thich Nhat Hanh mobilizes with the help of the Communist Party and clueless Buddhist Westerners in his camouflaged "Buddhist centers" for the "case of emergency". As soon as the Communists would be attacked, the Communist cadres in the monk’s robe would cause trouble and cleverly turn the mood in favor of the Communist Party. Finally Thich Nhat Hanh and his "Buddhists" would ultimately demonstrate in the streets for the Communist Party. So any attack from the West to the "Buddhist" protesters would be propagated from the Communist Party in the background as "an attack on Buddhism".

Nothing is truer than the two photo comments from a Vietnamese Web Site:
1. Left: "CP cadre monk Thich Phap An: 3rd from left, (Managing Director of the EIAB GmbH in Waldbröl, Germany) together with Thich Nhat Hanh and his comrades are on a visit to Vietnamese CP chairman Nguyen Minh Triet"
2. Right: "Thich Nhat Hanh and wife comrade Florette Cao Ngoc Phuong are on a visit to the general of the Communist People's Liberation Army Vo Nguyen Giap and wife. Two great leaders of the two battle fronts of the same Vietnamese CP meet again. One of the two kills with a rifle, the other with the "opium of the people". The results are impressive: one counts the corpses the other money."

Thich Nhat Hanh, as well as Thich Tri Quang, Thich Don Hau, Huyen Quang and Quang Do and all Thich - cadres of the CP dream about one day wearing the robe of the Supreme Patriarch - the "master of all the masters of the country", even if it’s only for a few hours to play along in a dress rehearsal. Because soon afterwards, still in 2005, the "Prajna Monastery incident” happened jointly staged by Thich Nhat Hanh & Co. and the Vietnamese Stasi. Surrounded by a crowd of Vietnamese Stasi agents in monk's robes, Thich Nhat Hanh & Co march on Hanoi’s streets without missing a single photo session. Because in 2005, the flagship of the so-called religious freedom in Vietnam will be brightly polished, as it is needed more urgently than ever by the Vietnamese CP for an appropriate image to move in on the embargo of the U.S. and the West in the hope that they can enter the WTO. At the "Prajna Monastery incident" in Lam Dong, Vietnam, Thich Nhat Hanh & Co. play the new role: "victim" of Vietnamese CP. Nearly 400 Thich Nhat Hanh students, the newly trained cadres in the monastic habit, were victimized by the CP and expelled from the country. Abroad Thich Nhat Hanh registered them as "expelled Buddhist asylum seekers". The entire state propaganda machine of the CP domestic and abroad were involved. Thus in one go 400 CP cadres in monk’s robes are "legalized" as (pseudo-) Buddhist asylum seekers in the host country by the CP and TNH. Thich Nhat Hanh's institutions such as the EIAB - GmbH Waldbröl, Germany are one of their first arrivals.
Actually, the "Buddhist monks" are mainly trained communist cadres. One recent concrete example from 2005 is the "Prajna Monastery incident" in which Thich Nhat Hanh, in conjunction with Vietnamese secret agents, staged an incident. During the incident, Thich Nhat Hanh was presented as "victim" of the CP and he and his "Buddhist" community with dozens of young monks were "harassed" in Vietnam. Finally 400 monk and communist cadres in monk’s robes were "banished" at a strike. A great number of them found accommodation in Waldbröl / Hannover as "Buddhist refugees" and as pseudo-asylum seekers in a Thich Nhat Hanh center (EIAB GmbH). The rest came gradually through several routes from France and the United States. From here, Thich Nhat Hanh's cadres and their accomplices are working hand in hand with the unmasked pseudo - opposition party "Viet Tan" in order to mobilize the naive Vietnamese and Western Buddhists as reserve demonstrators in favor of the CP.

Thich Nhu Dien, chief representative of the UBCV or CVBK / KVVBK in Germany,
"Vien Giac Pagoda Hannover".
55. The UBCV – district office abroad, including in Germany, represented by Thich Nhu Dien with all its German "Pagodas", maintains camouflaged establishments of the CP for the foreign assignment of the communist cadres in monk's robes. Such institutions, especially Thich Nhat Hanh centers, serve strategically as a possible future hideout and shelter for the communist agents (in monk's robes) in the case of emergency, which would be the overthrow of communism in Vietnam. Even now, the Communist Party is doing their utmost to cover their true face and therefore staged a pseudo-democratic system. The communist cadres, masked in monk's robes, will survive the critical time there. As soon as a new democratic system shall be established, they will cause new trouble from there and mobilize the masses in their favor in order to take back the power. Even now, the Communist Party is investing heavily in Buddhist temples and buildings in order to secure their influence and get themselves assets in the form of real estate. All Thich Nhat Hanh-facilities abroad (including the so-called "European Institute of Applied Buddhism GmbH" in Waldbröl Germany) and all UBCV "Temples / Pagodas" facilities with their networks of subjects are established according to the strategy of the "Vietnamese Buddhist family " as of "Linh Thuu Pagoda" in Berlin, "Vien Giac Pagoda" in Hanover, "Phat Hue Pagoda” and "Phat Dao Pagoda" in Frankfurt, "Tam Giac Pagoda” and "Pho Bao Pagoda" in Munich, and "Vien Duc Monastery" in Ravensburg ...
56. Today, Thich Nhat Hanh’s and Thich Nhu Dien's institutions are working hand in hand with “Viet Tan”, a quasi-opposition party of the Vietnamese CP. This organisation was founded in Berlin in 2006 and is actually composed of trained Vietnamese Communist Stasi-CP- agents. This party pretends to represent the concerns of the nationalists and to be at the side of the Vietnamese political asylum seekers. Germany is a promised safehouse for the varied purposes of the Vietnamese CP, because a major part of the Vietnamese, living in the east, are located here. The CP agents are hoping that most of them could still carry remnants of a long "communist roots" in of itself.
57. Just like the CP in Vietnam, Thich Nhat Hanh and the CP in monk's robes abroad are trying to rewrite, to distort, and to cover up the Buddhist teachings and the history around the Vietnam War. Especially where the UBVC is a tool in the hands of the Vietnamese CP, the facts will be completely twisted and distorted.
58. An example from Germany is the UBCV under the direction of Thich Nhu Dien (born Le Cuong). Together with the sleepers, agents who have already settled since the Vietnam War in Germany and partly have earned over here advanced academic degrees (e.g. Dr. Professor Thai Kim Lan, LMU Munich, etc.), Thich Nhu Dien get the young monks dissertation made. In their final paper, the doctoral students only copy all the points about the historical period of the bloody trail of the UBCV and its CP. This connection is what the Vietnamese Communist Party has been dictating for decades.
59. Among others, there is the following specific case of a young student, Thich Hanh Gioi, who completed the doctor’s degree in Buddhology - Philosophy under the secular name of Loc Ho. In Loc Ho's work: „Der vietnamesischeBuddhismus in den USA - Der Stellenwert des Glaubens in derneuen Heimat“.
"TheVietnamese Buddhism in the U.S.A. - The significance of faith in the newhomeland" (by the Joint Faculty of Human Disciplines and Social Sciences of the University of Hannover - for Earning a Doctor’s Degree of Philosophy (Dr. phil.); approved dissertation, by Loc Ho born on January 1, 1971, in Saigon, in the year of 2003 "
This work exclusively contains the propagandistic presentation of "facts" about the UBCV that was ready-made by the Communist Party (in accordance with the CP reading "Dharma in Need", "religious oppression of Ngo Dinh Diem's regime", etc., etc. ...).
60. As a sidenote, "the historian Nguyen Lang" is just another name of Thich Nhat Hanh (born as Nguyen Xuan Bao). Under this pseudonym, he writes "historical Buddhist texts" about the UBCV unanimously and identical to the readings by the KP. These same elements are repeated again. The Vietnamese Buddhist history has thus been rewritten under the aegis of such "historians" to the liking of the Vietnamese CP.

61. “Zen Master” as a label for Thich Nhat Hanh and countless other cadre-agents is a kind of imitation of the "Chinese Cultural Revolution" by the Vietnamese CP. Even in 1962, as Thich Nhat Hanh was sent abroad by the UBCV, they had provided him with the title "Zen Master" instead of appointing him, like all other young Vietnamese monks in his age, as Bikkhu, novice or Samanera. The calculation of the Communist Party was that if a monk's robe no longer constituted a monk, then perhaps a title would. Most of the clueless Buddhism-enthusiastic Westerners at that time, but also of modern times, didn’t yet understand why Buddha, more than two thousand five hundred years ago, had not simply applied the above sounding title at a patent office. Through the strategy of targeted manipulation of Western historiography about the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese CP, with the help of Thich Nhat Hanh, managed to establish a completely twisted picture of the events of that time in the public eye.
62. The so-called "Engaged Buddhism", as propagated by Thich Nhat Hanh, is nothing more than a ficticious religious instrument of power used by the Vietnamese CP abroad. This "Engaged Buddhism" during the Vietnam War was launched by the Vietnamese CP by the hands of UBCV Communist cadres. All such movements as the "National Liberation Front of the South", etc. are as mentioned, under the central control of the Vietnamese CP. They all belong respectively to the policy-diplomacy-frontline framework of the Vietnamese CP in their campaign against the Republic of South Vietnam.
Following this course, the Vietnamese Communist Party had founded many pseudo-organizations and political parties through the UBCV, with the objective of winning political influence as wide as possible and with the hope to provide their hidden policy as a legal, political voice. The north used direct influence and political pressure - which is typical of Hanoi's communist ignorance and impertinence – in order to represent their "Buddhist interests" in the south and found the so-called "Vietnamese Buddhist party", which namely expresses its distinctive political interests. This "Buddhist Political Party", represented by Thich Ho Giac, Thich Thien Minh, Thich Tri Quang, etc., is only an expedient for Hanoi's invasion plan.
Below is a quote about the origin and founding period of Thich Nhat Hanh's "Engaged Buddhism" from the years 1966 and 1969:
Source: King, S., and Queen, C. (Eds.). (1996). Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia. New York: State University of New York.
Thich Ho Giac, Thich Thien Minh and Thich Tri Quang, the CP agents in monk's robes, at the announcement of the party’s founding of their "Buddhist Political Party - Vietnamese Buddhist Force"
63. Thich Thien Minh was tortured to death because of his disobedience of the CP´s plan in 1978. For the CP, Thich Ho Giac and Thich Nhat Hanh continue with the politics of this "Buddhist political party" called "Vietnamese Buddhist Force" abroad under the contemporary pretext of "Engaged Buddhism". The strategy of the Communist Party goes even further: the "modern Engaged Buddhism"’s purpose is to adapt to the modern West and the gullible, because Buddhism-inspired Westerners don’t have an accurate depiction of the war if they haven´t heard anything about the other side. The Vietnamese CP believes that all traces of blood have been already erased. Thich Ho Giac still plays today with the "patriarchical hat" of the UBCV in the United States. Thich Nhat Hanh directs "Engaged Buddhism" of the CP in the direction of "social responsibility" and "eco-conscious Buddhism".
64. In this sense, Thich Nhat Hanh spoke out in public in a "politically responsible" manner during a speech in the United States about the September 11, 2001 "terrorist" attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. He accentuated in this context, that the "300,000 Vietnamese victims" of a small town by the name of Ben Tre that had been bombed during the Vietnam War by the U.S. Army. Quote: "I wrote this poem during the Vietnam war after I heard about the bombing of Ben Tre city. The city of 300,000 was destroyed because seven guerrillas shot several rounds of unsuccessful anti-aircraft gunfire and then left. My pain was profound". Thich Nhat Hanh has invested tens of thousands of U.S. dollars to place identical copies of this quote in continuous circulation as an advertisement (since Nov. 2001) in highly influential papers such as the New York Times. He knows that such duplicitous words can be understood only by Western ears and not by the domestic Vietnamese. Westerners do not typically know where Ben Tre is located, and when brought up the issues is usually met with silence. All residents of Ben Tre district, whose population to this day has not risen to over 143,639, and all Vietnamese know that this "story" was a complete fabrication. With the duplicity of Thich Nhat Hanh, which echoes that of the Vietnamese CP media, the Vietnamese have a bitter point-of-view. As a result, Thich Nhat Hanh was confronted with the cumulative echo of"Thich Nhat Hanh Go Home!" in response to his words in the U.S. because the Americans were angry concerning the victims of the "terrorist" attacks on September 11th.
65. It is of course understandable that Buddhism in general, and Zen in particular, was recognized as a useful spiritual "product" by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Vietnamese CP that should be promoted more effectively through marketing because this approach is perfect in accord with the strategic "CP-reform" (vietn. “Ðổi Mới") in Vietnam. In order to keep power, the Vietnamese CP has no other choice but to "reform" itself, especially after the collapse of the USSR.
66. However, the KP has "reformed" itself countless times, even aggressively, and every time it has an appropriate "regret-song" on hand. After each "Party Reform", the "Buddhist pagodas and temples" of the CP multiply, grow taller and get bigger. The Vietnamese in this way are only getting poorer, because the number of "Buddha donation boxes" are growing correspondingly more and more, to the extent that they can now be considered safes for which guards are recruited. Two good examples are, firstly, the newly built "Bai Dinh Pagoda" in Ninh Binh, North Vietnam, whose size exceeds the one in the "Forbidden City" in Beijing. Second is the "Ho Chi Minh Pagoda" (Vietnamese literally: "Chùa Hồ") in Binh Duong, South Vietnam, which surpasses all others for Buddhist ferver because on top of the altar, in front of the Buddha statue, an oversized Ho Chi Minh statue sits enthroned and coated with high karat gold. Anyone who wants to express his worship to Buddha, there you go! That one first may get enthusiastic about the in front sitting Ho Chi Minh statue which laughs. This "Ho-Temple" interior, which was built mainly out of noble material, is closely-guarded. Perhaps even stricter than the Ho - Mausoleum in Hanoi. To admire this "temple complex" in its entirety, which is built in a style similar to Disneyland-architecture, one has to travel by electric bus. After each "party reform" the number of arrested party critics who end up in prison, accelerate skywards. The noose around the neck of the Vietnamese people is tied even tighter so that the power of the CP is more fixed than ever.

Ho is CP Chairman everywhere, also in the "Ho Pagoda" in Binh Duong, Vietnam. Coated with high karat gold, his statue sits in front of the Buddha statue. Next to it the CP flag is hoisted up.
67. As mentioned earlier, a KP-Parole (according to a saying of Karl Marx) is: "Religion is the opium of the people", which must necessarily be eliminated. This was now implemented further in the spirit of the "party reform". Through the hands of the UBCV, Thich Nhat Hanh & Co.-the Buddha- and religion dealers, the CP keeps benefiting greatly from the "opium of the people". Drug dealers are not particularily interested in whether the people overdose or not. And that is only one facet of the so-called CP-style "religious freedom" in today's Vietnam.
68. The so-called "infrastructure of the CP abroad" (the Vietnamese expatriates) was expanded for decades by the UBCV network and the so-called "Vietnamese Buddhist family". Finally, more and more of the Communist cadres in monk's robes rolled in from Vietnam just to make use of them. They look down from the "Buddhist altar", smiling inwardly and deceitfully about how the Buddhists prostrate themselves flat on the floor with reverence. What the “slippery cadres” are just too much interested in is that their Buddha donation box is well-filled at the end of the day. In Vietnam, this “Buddhist slavery” has a long tradition, because the gullible Vietnamese are treated as an “easy meat” for the brainwashing of the CP. This is also known as "Tam Bảo Nô" / "Sangha slaves" or "triple slavery".

69. The UBCV and their sub-organizations (social, cultural, charitable, religious pseudo-organizations) are entitled to a special role in its particular host countries. Controlled by the Vietnamese and the Chinese CP, it also serves as a back door for accessing various facilities and as a didactic, long-armed tool for even more important interests, such as China's industrial/economic espionage and military espionage. In essence, the Chinese CP system is the same as the Vietnamese CP system, meaning the Chinese could always operate unscathed, hidden intact in the background, since the Vietnamese and the Chinese CP are the closest allies of a kind of "CP-brotherhood". However, the Vietnamese CP agents often have to fill a slave-like and subordinated role and are strongly controlled by the Chinese CP. Either way, they continue to work hand in hand.

A picture - replaces a thousand words:
The target practice and the use of the most advanced killing weapons is part of the "Buddhist education" of Communist cadres in monk's robes, taken over by the Army of the Communist Party.
70. The Vietnamese Stasi agents of the CP, together with the CP cadres in monk’s robes such as Thich Nhat Hanh and the local UBCV, have the main goal to bring all overseas Vietnamese by all available means under one roof to control and manage them. To implement this goal, a resolution was issued by the CP in Vietnam: the so-called "CP Resolution No. 36" which contains this aim in decorative words. The list of their criminal, delinquent acts is at least as long as the existence of the CP itself. The consequences and aftereffects of its dirty creativity will be nowhere near adjusted even after several generations.
71. Particularly in the U.S. where most of the expatrite Vietnamese live, the cadres in monk’s robes appreciate how important it is to bring the gullible Buddhists together under one roof. According to the strategic calculations of the CP (Resolution No. 36), they are a remarkable political group because ultimately they are potential voters, appreciable by every local politician. The local politicians who are tapped for cooperative work by Vietnamese pseudo-opposition parties on site (e.g. as "Viet Tan"), cooperate with the cadre-monks and in this manner, the Vietnamese political asylum seekers in the United States, remotely controlled by the Vietnamese CP, are silenced. A range of cases that reveal of this kind of cooperation between communist cadres and American local politicians in the United States prove this procedure by the Vietnamese CP.

72. A preferred "religious activity" of the UBCV and of Thich Nhat Hanh's institutions abroad (et. al. e.g.: "Plum Village" in France, "Dieu Ngu Pagoda" by Thich Ho Giac, Thich Chanh Lac in the U.S., and “Vien Giac and Phat Hue Pagoda "... of Thich Nhu Dien in Germany) is the specialization of charities. To collect as much money as possible for the CP, but also to hide as much dirty money as possible for the Communist Party in foreign banks, many of their "religious activities" are strategically geared to be beneficial and charitable. To wrest even more money legally from the pockets of the Westerners, they use the poverty of the children and victims of war in Vietnam as a pretext. According to statistics, the Vietnamese living abroad send over $2 billion to Vietnam alone every year. For the CP and their puppet–apparatuses, this is like a “gift from heaven" that keeps the communist dictatorial regimes active overseas.
73. The "IBIB International Buddhist InformationBureau" based in Paris, is a main representative of the "Propaganda Department, Abt. 2" of the UBCV. "Que Me" and "La Boi", two publishers of Thich Nhat Hanh's wife comrade Cao Ngoc Phuong foil, in addition to Vo Van Ai and Penelope Faulkner, his English comrade, also belonged to this. The CP cadre Vo Van Ai is not an unfamiliar face. He and Walter Fabian (a communist member of the GDR) were arrested on May 09, 1967 due to “anti-Vietnam war” paroles and Pro-Communist activities by theWest German police in Munich during a demonstration.

74. For the pseudo-battle under the motto "freedom, democracy and human rights in Vietnam", an NED-organization from the United States provided a sum of $548,000 for Vo Van Ai during the period from 2004 to 2009. (NED: "The National Endowment for Democracy").

75. The "Pagoda Dieu Ngu" in Westminster, CA 92683, USA., is a home base of the main activities of Vo Van Ai and Faulkner Today. From here they spread information, unanimously with the strategy of the CP, to consolidate the UBCV with their patriarch monks. For example, Thich Quang Do and Thich Nhat Hanh have been repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Vo Van Ai also uses his representative role for the UBCV from Vietnam to smuggle "Buddhist monks and freedom fighters" - undercover agents of the CP abroad - and supplies them there with "asylum" and legalizes their position thereby. Under the pseudo-motto"freedom, democracy and human rights in Vietnam", he collects Thich Nhat Hanh funds through countless social and charity projects for the CP in Vietnam (et. al. e.g. "Maitreya Fond").
76. However, these pseudo-fights for "democracy and human rights in Vietnam" were uncovered and published in various publications and media, as well as on the Internet. All CP cadre monks and agents (pseudo-freedom fighters and dissidents) that were smuggled abroad by the Communist Party, experienced the same fate and were revealed because of their twisted statements about the Vietnam War, the role of the UBCV and how the CP is in accord with the official provisions of the Vietnamese CP. They conceal further that the CP and its instruments of power are the main reasons for Vietnam moving towards a quasi-unofficial Chinese province today. As an example, all movements, demonstrations and demands of the people regarding the two Vietnamese islands Hoang Sa and Truong Sa were violently suppressed by the CP. No UBCV representative expressed serious criticism thereto (so Thich Quang Do staged a demonstration call, which read, that every Vietnamese should "demonstrate at home" for himself.)

CP cadre and UBCV leader "Patriarch" Thich Quang Do (born Dang Phuc Tue)
77. Vo Van Ai's office is thus not only a speaker, but rather a branch of the Vietnamese CP in the West. This camouflaged representation of the Vietnamese CP abroad in the information age is more wide spread and not restricted to the UBCV singularly, thanks to the BBC station and dozens of stations like VOA, RFI, RFA, SBTN. In each Vietnam department, one or several CP cadres are placed and through these mouthpieces the Vietnamese CP spreads their propagandistic paroles in their favor and in a well-camouflaged form. The same is true for the press. In Vietnam today, over 600 media establishments are strictly under the censorship of the CP and they practically only spread the CP decisions in a hypocritical form. Domestic-Vietnamese are literally silenced. Thus, the UBCV or CBVK are, through the camouflaged representatives of Vo Van Ai and Thich Nhat Hanh & Co., integrated parts of a toxic "red spider web" that will be tensed for service at the "media battle front" of the Vietnamese and Chinese CP both at home and abroad.
78. The English abbreviation for the UBCV (Vietnamese: "Giao Hoi Phat Giao Viet Nam Thong Nhat - GHPGVNTN") was translated by Thich Nhu Dien into German as follows: "Congregation der Vereinigten Vietnamesischen Buddhistischen Kirche" - Abbreviation: CVBK orKVVBK). This UBCV or CVBK is directly controlled by the so-called "Propaganda Department - Division 2". Thich Don Hau, Thich Huyen Quang and Thich Quang Do are their heads. They are, as mentioned above, high ranked communist cadre officials in monk's robes. They received their appointments by the Patriarch’s seal that was wrested by force under threat of murder from the actual Patriarch Thich Tinh Khiet, later Thich Tam Chau. From the beginning and to this day they have been illegally in office and are nothing more than an instrument of power of the Vietnamese CP. In the Vietnamese people’s view, the Communist Party is a traitor and a criminal to the people. They call them "VV-Vietnamese". ("Viet gian" - "Viet Cong-criminal traitor"). Thich Tam Chau revealed later, after almost 30 years of silence (1964-1993), that violent actions by communist cadres in monk’s robes, and how the CP exploits the Buddhism, the UBCV the Vietnamese Catholic Church and all other religious organizations were used as an instrument of power in a revelation letter ("Bach Thu").
79. Since 1963, when the U.S. under John F. Kennedy and Henry Kissinger wanted to topple the President Ngo Dinh Diem, and especially after the back door business with Beijing was signed and sealed, the Western media have been reporting, to this day anyone almost unanimously only one-sided of the Vietnam War, namely in favor of the Communists. But only one facet of the truth is never the whole truth itself. Because their conceal strategically was almost unanimously the other side, the real truth of the war, namely, that the war of the North Vietnamese Army was a war of invasion by order of Moscow and Beijing against the Republic of Vietnam and that this obviously was in violation of all international charters and agreements.
80. The western media consistently ignores that the North Vietnamese Communists have broken all international contracts and conventions, which they signed with hypocritical intentions. The media in Western countries unanimously concealed and skewed both the cruelty and brutality of the northern communists against their own people and the documents and reports of the immense suffering of all the North Vietnamese since 1946 until today. Their silencing of the suffering of the people behind the Iron Curtain is rarely mentioned in public. This "phenomenon" is similar to the situations in Tibet, North Korea, Burma, etc. Obviously, the main stream media in Western countries follow one conductor’s baton which rules so-called "real politics".
81. For the Vietnamese, the Vietnam War is not over yet. The Vietnamese have lost everything because of this war. They live as third-class citizens on their own land, but they have no rights to it. All their rights and freedoms were robbed from them by the KP. Even their most sacred right such as the right to love their fatherland was skewed by the Communist Party, the ultimate supreme ruler of the land, in this way:"The party represents the nation and the country. Therefore, whoever loves the country and the nation, without loving the party, is a nation- and fatherland- traitor." It may be that many do not trust their ears; sadly this is the reality of communist Vietnam today. If someone were to ask about the flipside of the Vietnamese CP, the UBCV, and Thich Nhat Hanh & Co., the answer is usually in the form of a shrug. It is not uncommon for the CP to repeat its decisions in a reformulated and endless monologue. The status of peoples other rights are as predictable.
82. There are individuals and political groups which use war, unrest and the disunity of a nation as an opportunity to draw profit and financial benefits for themselves. These profits are used to transform hard to settle debts. So ultimately, only the dictatorial traitor, the treacherous rulers and their powerful profiteer profit from that. Who supports them in the end, only supports dictators and not the suffering people. As a consequence, the peace that these groups create is a pseudo-peace without a truthful foundation. If genuine, truthful peace rules and these groups of people have no more profit to gain.
These individuals and groups are not able to understand their own karma, apart from the collective karma of their own people. Consequently, they can neither understand themselves nor the neighbor, nor another nation really.
For this reason, all that they attempt today to provide for their children will be taken away again to offset the debt of the blind ignorance of their ancestors, without exception, to the last cent.
In Vietnam and elsewhere, the true Buddhist masters enjoy appropriate reverence, but the well-hidden cadres in monk’s robes, as Thich Nhat Hanh, the UBCV & Co., a "VV" band, will be revealed by the Vietnamese and sooner or later end up where they belong: in a Vietnamese court, in a democratic and free Vietnam. And the days of "VV" Vietnamese CP are numbered.
To be continued.
UBCV: "Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam " or " CVBK " or "KVVBK" : "Congregation of the United Vietnamese Buddhist Church" in German: “Congregation der Vereinigten Vietnamesischen Buddhistischen Kirche” .
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